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What are Backlinks in SEO? How to Hack Uncommon Backlinks

What are Backlinks in SEO?

What are backlinks in SEO? Backlinks are links to a given website placed in various locations over the internet. Strategically placed backlinks help the consumer find the information or products they need. Because of this factor, backlinks are valuable and also play fairly the roll in the online commercial world. In today’s ever-evolving technologically driven business world. A company essentially doesn’t exist without a legitimate and stable online presence. The modern consumer is incredibly dependent on the world-wide-web. Increasing online exposure can be incredibly profitable to businesses offering goods and services of all kinds.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is an online marketing strategy used to boost an online site’s possibility of appearing on the first page of a given Google search query. In case you are unaware, appearing on the first page is proven to be exponentially much more profitable. So what are backlinks in SEO and how do they fit into all of this? Using Backlinks for SEO What exactly are backlinks in the eyes of popular search engines? Google or Search engines properties a closely calculated algorithm that is used to estimate the value of a website. When referring to a search query, this value is judged by its quality and relevance.

Types of Backlinks:

There have two types of backlinks. 1. Inbound Backlinks and 2. Outbound Backlinks. Outbound backlinks begin from your site and lead an outer website. While inbound backlinks come from an outer site to yours. For example:

what is backlinks in seo - types of backlinks - how to create backlink

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Suppose “XYZ” has a website name “B” and “ABC” has a website name “C”. Website B is a shoe store and C is a shoe reviews website. Now C writes an article about shoes and gives a backlink to B. These types of backlinks are more valuable, natural and relevant backlinks that B has obtained. According to B has gained inbound backlinks from C and according to C has given an outbound backlink to B.

Backlinks and Google:

The concept is rather simple. Google’s goal is obviously to provide internet surfers with the most appropriate search results. This is where the algorithm steps up to the plate. When calculating the relevance and essential value of a website as compared to a given search query, Google takes a close look at a number of contributing factors. Among these factors is our new friend backlinks. Not only does Google analyze the number of backlinks a page has, but they also take the quality of backlinks into consideration. Quality and quantity matter backlinks hosted on high page rank websites, like YouTube, Reddit are very high in the quality department.

Google recognizes these websites, and various other highly trafficked web forums, as authority websites. Because of this, these specific backlinks are worth more than the average. Keep in mind that this is not to say that some backlinks are worthless. In general, the more backlinks a website has the more traffic it receives and, therefore, it is increasingly relevant. Using tools to generate backlinks Accumulating high quantity and high-quality backlinks can be difficult for a new website or blog. Sometimes, online marketers use article marketing tools to create backlinks. These tools can be used to post content with backlinks on thousands of websites. While these tools can save you hours of times and headaches, but search engines did not like these types of backlinks.

When promoting a new website or blog, it is important that you don’t throw Google immediately with thousands of backlinks. Doing so raises a red flag and decreases your page’s legitimacy in the eyes of Google or Search engines. Because of this, it is important that you do what is called dripping. This essentially places your backlinking on a schedule that appears natural and not automated.

How to Create Backlink?

The creation of backlinks to your website will improve its ability to rank in search engines. These backlinks can be built in a variety of ways from social bookmarking to forum participation. One of the projects I have clearly explained, how to create backlink?. Ther have lots of ways to create backlinks such as forum backlinks, web 2.0 sites backlinks, guest posting backlinks, business listing, contextual backlinks and blog comment backlinks. These all are the common method to create backlinks. But in this article, we will discover how to create backlink in uncommon ways.

SEO Companies and SEO Services - Types of Backlinks

There are, however, many uncommon ways that you could be building inbound links which many aren’t taking advantage of this informative article will share some of these uncommon approaches so you can easily integrate them into your link building campaign.

Create Badges for Websites:

A “badge” is nothing more than a design element which shows that a web user has participated in some kind of online activity. One great example of using badges for link building is when others participate in blog contests. You could make it a requirement that these users place a badge on their website as being one of the participants which instantly gives you quality backlinks to your website.

Another method would be to hold a “best of” within your niche call together your community to vote on the top players within your niche and give badges out to those that have won!

Answer Online Questions:

Websites such as Yahoo, Google Answers, and Quora have sprung up all over the web within the last few years these websites allow its users to answer each others’ questions and even link to resources which they may find helpful to the person asking the question. Although this method of link building is a bit uncommon, it can be very effective for building backlinks when you answer questions related to your niche and include a resource on your own website. These types of backlinks are more relevant high quality and search engines especially Google like these types of backlinks.

Create a Sticky Forum Thread:

Just like you would with creating content for your own website aim to create an essential resource for a niche forum. “Sticky ” posts, as they are called, are the thread which has been “stuck” to the top of forums which are essential reading to new members and are highly resourceful to anyone that may need to be reminded about a topic. Pour all of your energy into creating a thread which collects a variety of helpful resources as well as providing your own not only will you create a sense of authority (within your topic) but if you’re “stuck|caught|trapped|caught up|jammed” to the top of the thread, you could receive thousands of visits and backlinks to your website.

Work on Big Projects:

Network with other website or blog owners within your niche ask if they need help with their own projects and in exchange for your time, you could be associated with the project include a backlink. If the project takes off and becomes popular on the web, you’ll go along for the ride and naturally build links as others include you in the description of those that are behind the project.

Article marketing:

The article is another considerable evaluate to share out the link all over the world.  There are lots of article directories can be found and you can post articles regarding your niche on the article directory. Generally, article directories permit you to leave your link either in article body or in the resource box below the article. A good article can be picked several times and published as well. This helps you to acquire numerous backlinks. As well as Google also love these types of backlinks.

Web page link Exchanges:

Link exchange is another method that a webmaster apply to generate particular numbers of links. This method needs to allow another link in the site in order to acquire backlinks from other sites. But it is pretty complicated since it is not popular enough. However, it can be helpful to bring in extra traffic to the website.

Link Trap:

Link trap bait is beneficial to acquire bulky backlinks but quite divisive method due to its implementation approach. Offensive and insulting posts can be left by desperate webmasters in order to grab the attention of people and bloggers tend to link to it just to indicate what this is. However, something exceptional news and fascinating factor also can be posted and this is certainly a positive manner. This is also helpful to generate wide backlinks.

Building High-quality Backlinks – Tips Revealed:

Consider not only the written word on your website but also those pointing back to you. Is the site relevant to your niche or topic? What is the page rank? How old is the site? Is it an authority site? There are numerous items that can be viewed as important by the search engine with the source. The important consideration to bear in mind is that high quality is far better than quantity.


Age of the links Web pages come and go in the online arena regularly. Search engines place a lot of weight on sites that have survived the tribulation that results from the online environment. The age of the links is a good reflection of the quality of websites. Receiving backlinks that are well aged has a positive bearing upon the result of the site pointing back to. The search engines want to provide their visitors with the most relevant site based upon the search. When a well-established website points to your webpage it is an indication to the search engine that you have valuable content. Seek out those quality sites for creating a webpage that increases through the rankings for search engines.

Remember that high quality for link building is much more important than the quantity. Consider links potential ranking power and how that affects your site. Begin now with these ideas while you acquire the “perfect” web page link. Would that work for you?


Now, we are clear what are backlinks in SEO and types of backlinks. Also, we have learned how to create a backlink. Building high-quality backlinks are essential to online achievement. There are a variety of factors that move your site to the top of the search engines but backlinks are probably the most important. Don’t mistake the fact that not everything is created equal. However, search engines are becoming more demanding in their determination of “high value” sites. Fortunately, there are crucial ingredients that if followed can keep your webpage from being penalized and hold its position in the searches. How does that sound?

SEO Training in Bangladesh - Rank Trends Backlinks - What is backlinks in SEO

Types of Links Investing time towards the process of backlinking begins with understanding the different types of options available. Those that you find within content are best known as contextual links which are those within the body of content most commonly found as anchor text. The idea is to implement a targeted keyword as the anchor text that is linked back to your site.

Authority links retain a high trust with the search engines and are as the name implies, hold high authority not only with readers but also search engines. Techniques such as writing guest posts or buying and selling are effective in creating backlinks with authority. Obtaining an agreement with another webmaster to exchange links to one another’s sites are reciprocal links. Submitting to link exchanges and simply contacting other webmasters are successful tips for reciprocal linking. Source of the link the content of the websites that point back to your site holds a large amount of weight with the search engines.


Comments (2)

  • Jakson


    Very interesting article about off-page seo.
    Yes for seo, quality matters a lot. Quality content and backlinks are very important for ranking. this blog was very helpful but, I request you to explain something about natural links. It will be great for me.

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