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How to Make Money on Youtube

How To Make Money on YouTube:

How to make money on youtube? The Internet is full of opportunities to make money and earn a living. It’s possible to make money as an affiliate, as a website designer or as a copywriter, to name just a few options. Video marketing is something you can do by itself or as a way to promote your other business ventures. Most online marketers now use videos, whether they make their own or outsource them.

Videos give you a variety of ways to earn more money if you make them good and know how to promote them. Your biggest audience will most likely come from YouTube, as this is by far the largest video sharing site. With so many millions of viewers every day, YouTube is a potential gold mine for any type of marketer. We’ll now explore some simple but powerful methods for helping you to know how to make money on youtube.

Write a Script:

Write a script for your videos before you start filming. Get familiar with your script, either by reading it out loud or to yourself before you turn the camera on. There are two good reasons to do this. This way you won’t have to worry about getting tongue-tied when you record your video, so you can feel more confident. When you talk off the cuff, you might also tend to exaggerate or misrepresent something and a script will prevent this from happening. It’s better if you don’t have to worry about making any kind of mistake or saying something that backfires in some way. Having a script can make the whole video creation process easier for you. You might be tempted to come up with creative ways of using someone else’s material in your videos. If you do this, you’ll end up regretting it.

Make Unique:

A cover song does not count as original content. There are many ways to steal content online, such as by speaking words into the camera that you found in written form somewhere on the internet. You may be inspired by someone else’s video, but if you use their actual words, you aren’t creating an original video. Yes, doing these things can save you time but they won’t earn you any money. In some cases, you can gain permission to use something or perhaps you can suggest some type of joint venture with the creator. It’s great if you can get permission, but if not you can be creative and choose another option for your video.

You want to make the content of your video easy to access for all kinds of people. This means taking the time to create and upload a transcript of your video to YouTube when you upload the video itself. While YouTube provides a service that allows you to do this, it’s quite flawed. If you want your transcriptions to be correct, you will have to find a more trustworthy program to do it or write it out yourself.

Think of all the people who might read your transcriptions who couldn’t (or wouldn’t) otherwise watch your videos. YouTube is the next frontier in terms of sharing content and making money online. YouTube makes it fairly simple to build a sizable personal income online. Take your time and work hard. You’ll have a nice income rolling in before you know it. Use the tips we’ve shared with you here to get started.

How to Make Money on Youtube By Creating Videos:

How to make money on youtube by creating videos? Most of the people today do not have the patience to read a big e-book on a particular topic and then try out everything and get it wrong the first time. They want someone to show them exactly how something is done and not to leave anything for chance. Moreover, creating a video will take only that amount of time which is required to do a particular job but writing will take much longer as the author has to type into proper sentences for everything which he wants to convey to his readers. It also depends on the typing speed as most of the people do not have typing skills. Here is some method to earn money from the youtube video:

1) Ads Commission:

There are various sites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Metacafe which are solely focused on videos. They get millions and millions of visitors daily and these sites are free to join. They make income by showing advertisements on their sites and every video uploaded by the users. The users can create any type of video as long as they comply with the terms and conditions of these video sites. Read how to make money from Google AdSense.

youtube cpc ads

2) By Selling E-commerce Product:

The user can add a link to his website in the video itself or he can give it in the description box provided by these sites. A video blogger can build a huge subscriber list by creating and uploading videos on a regular basis. These visitors can then be diverted to websites which can sell them some products of own e-commerce site.

Since these visitors are already in the mindset of buying as they have been shown a video of how something is done they are ready buyers to the products. Moreover, the videos can be used to evoke emotional responses in the visitors which will lead to calm their critical mind. Most of the internet marketers today use this technique by which their sales skyrocket within a short period of time. Still now if you did not create an e-commerce website go to our web design and development company website and take our service to build a dynamic e-commerce website.

An internet marketer will usually show his daily, weekly and monthly earnings to his viewers to create the feeling that if you follow what he says you too will get the same results. This kind of marketing kick-starts the imagination of the viewers and they position themselves in the shoes of the marketer. They are in a state of imagining things which they would do when they start finding that kind of result. So, naturally, they are more inclined towards buying what the marketer suggests. The same technique can be applied to various other markets as well.

3) Selling Affiliate Product:

Say, for example, you want to get into six pack abs or height increase market. You can create videos with proofs of how you achieved results by using a particular secret formula or technique given in a particular product. The same applies to the weight-loss market as well. Usually, the marketers who are into weight-loss market tend to show slim men and women who are enjoying their time on a beachside showing off their well-maintained bodies. This sets in the imaginary juices of all those viewers who are vying to become slim and healthy and lose those extra pounds of fats.

The marketer will also emphasize the time required to achieve those kinds of results. They usually use words like ‘weeks’ rather than months as weeks are smaller than months. Therefore, depending on the market you are going to work in, it is better to get an understanding of the needs of the market and then provide video proof of how anyone can achieve the results they desire when they buy a particular product or service. This will lead to a very large number of viewers who become your fans and will ultimately generate revenue for a long time to come. If you did not know what is affiliate marketing and want to learn affiliate marketing, Join now our Amazon affiliate marketing training in Bangladesh to become an affiliate specialist.

4) By Selling eBook:

Creating your own ebook and selling it online is one of the best ways to get rich. This is not an exaggerated claim. There are many people, especially internet marketers, who have successfully earned six to seven figure incomes just by writing ebooks and selling them online. One of the best ways to promote your ebook is via YouTube. YouTube is the best video-sharing platform that you can find online. You can upload any kind of video for free and gain quick popularity and traffic. Promoting your ebook on YouTube will help you to boost your sales and build your reputation. Here are some tips to use YouTube to advertise your ebook. When you apply the tips above, you’ll be able to boost your ebook sales with the help of YouTube.

If you did not know how to write an ebook or if you are looking cloud-based software to create an eye-catching ebook, Then Sqribble is the best for yours.

how to make money online from home with ebook

How to Upload a Video on Youtube:

YouTube allows users to mark their uploaded videos as “private” or “public” or “unlisted”. However, these private videos can be shared with you and just 50 other people you designate. In addition, the default setting is “public” which could lead to some videos being uploaded and inadvertently left public. To work around this, you could use the “unlisted” video feature which means the video won’t be listed publicly. You can then share the link with everyone in the organization if desired. The problem with this is that anyone with the link can share the link with others. Here is step by step guideline how to upload a video on youtube:

1) Upload Video:

  • First “sign in” your youtube channel with Gmail account.
  • Then click on the “camera image” which is top on the right side of your sign in page.

how to upload a video on youtube

  • After that click “upload button”.
  • Then select the video for upload

select video to upload

2) Write Titles and Descriptions:

Titles are very important in getting YouTube views. Also, titles are the first items that the audiences see when they use search engines, social media sites, and YouTube. If your title is very catchy or interesting, your audience will be captured into clicking and viewing your video. Short but very intriguing titles with phrases such as “Freak Accident” or “Exclusive” are sure to create sensation to your videos. Do not make a long title because this will only bore your audience. Also, use caps and bold to emphasize some words in your title. Use keywords in your title so that your video will be included in the results when your audience will search for them online.

After making a title, you must include an informative description of your video. You include very important details in your video to inform your target audience of the content of the video. Try to keep keywords on your description.

title description and tag generate

3) Tag or Keywords:

Tag or keywords are very helpful in generating traffic into your videos and to get YouTube views. It is a word used by internet users to search for certain topics online. You can choose keywords that are popular and are sure to get you an incredible number of views. But, this could be detrimental to you when your audience opens your video to find that the keyword has nothing to do with your video. Make sure to use the right one. to find a popular keyword use the following tools;

4) Thumbnails:

Thumbnails are one of the best powerful methods to attract the audience. The better informative and unique thumbnails you create a better change engaged your video.  You can maximize the use of thumbnails to inform internet users who use search engines and social media sites that a certain link or website contains a video. A thumbnail is basically a snapshot of the content of the video. You can use any exciting part in the video or an interesting image for your thumbnail.


5) Publish:

After optimizing title, description, tag, and thumbnails publish your video. then share your video on social media for increasing visitors.

In the next article, we will explain how to increase traffic and optimize your video for ranking. So, wait for that.

How to Enable AdSense On Your YouTube Videos:

Hi there now we all know the power of video marketing. YouTube marketing is all the rage. It’s great because lots of people would rather watch a video than reading the text. It’s also perfect because videos go viral. All someone has to do is click to share it with their friends, and everybody can just pass it around.

There’s a way to put AdSense ads on your YouTube videos, but not everyone can do it. The reason is that you’ve got to be invited or you have to apply and be accepted. Lots of marketers wonder about this because they see the ads on YouTube videos but don’t know how to do it.

When You Apply for Monetization:

If you want to earn money from youtube, you have to follow two-step. First, you have to open an account on youtube and enable it for monetization. But before enable your account for monetization, you have to full fill Youtube advertising guidelines.

You will be eligible for apply on the youtube partner program if your channel keeps 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in the previous 12 month period.

Once your youtube channel is accepted for monetization you should turn on all ad formats to ensure you are eligible for all kinds of ad revenue. After enabling monetization, ads will be displayed when a visitor watches your videos. Google will share 55{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} ad revenue for all content creators and the rest 45{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} Google keep for all youtube advertising commission fee purpose. If you want to know how to make money from Google AdSense, go to these links and read this article.

how to make money on youtube step by step guideline

You’re Invited To Monetize:

If you have a video or channel on YouTube that suddenly gets lots of views or reviews, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself with an email from YouTube. It will tell you that you’ve been invited to join their AdSense program. The really cool thing is that you only have to have one video that gets 4000 hours watch time and gets 1000 subscriber, and then they’ll let you monetize all of them. If just one video goes viral, you now have the option to put ads on every video you’ve got and all the ones you make from now on!

Manually Apply for Monetization:

If you want to apply yourself, Here is the step by step guideline:

Step 1: First log in your youtube channel.

Step 2: Then click on your account image and go to youtube studio (beta) channel dashboard. Follow the following image

how to earn money from youtube

Step 3: After that click on the “other feature” which you will get left side on your channel dashboard. And then go to monetization section.

apply for youtube channel monetize

Step 4: If the monetize feature is currently not available in your country, then you should change your country location. For that, go to “setting’ section and then go to “channel” and then change your country location ( keep United State on your country location).

how to change your country location on youtube channel

Step 5:  If your country enables for monetization skip step 4 and you will see the following dashboard when you click monetization on step 3.

how to apply for youtube channel monetization

Before start applying for monetization, you have to sign up on Google Adsense. Then click the “start” button and read all term and condition and check in all box and then click on the “accept” button.

how to earn money from youtube without adsense

Step 6: For linking your AdSense account on youtube, click the start button under the “sign up for AdSense” section.

step 6: linking adsense account on youtube

Step 7: Click the “next” button and then select your AdSense email account. Then go to step 8.

step 7 linking adsense account on youtube


Step 8: For setting what types of ads run on your videos, click on the start button under the set monetization section.

step 8 set monetization preferences

Step 9: Check in all ads format and then click save. For the last segment go to step 10.

step 9 check in all ads format

Step 10: If you get 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours from the last 12 month period then get reviewed section will enable to start. Otherwise, you will see as like the following image.

step 10 start review under the get review section

If it enables for you, then click the “start” button for the review. They’ll walk you through the steps and you’ll get a confirmation email that says it’s been approved. If you’re not approved you can contact them through the AdSense site and they’ll tell you what you need to do to get approved.

It’s A Numbers Game:

The money you actually make through AdSense with YouTube videos is small and steady. What you’ve got to do is really pumping out videos. The more videos you’ve got on YouTube, the more clicks and impressions you’ll get, and it’s pretty much as simple as that. But if you’ve got lots of videos up, you’ll see a steady stream of income that doesn’t trickle out. Your video descriptions and titles should be keyword optimized so that people can find them. You might want to target keywords in the actual video itself. It’s rumored that Google’s trying out voice recognition software so that it can index videos by the audio content. This means that putting the right keywords in your videos will help you get them on the SERPs. It also helps if you promote your videos everywhere.

Types of Ads Formate:

Display Ads – these ads only appear to the right side of the feature video. That means display ads appear above the suggestion video list on your desktop platform only.

Overlay Ads – These ads appear on the bottom 20{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} of your youtube video ( only desktop platform). It is either image ads or text ads

Skippable video Ads –these types of video ads must have to watch 5-second ads before the watch main video after 5-second viewer can skip this.

Non-skippable video Ads – these types of video ads must have to watch full ads before the watch main video. Generally these types of ads length 15-20 seconds.

Bumper Ads – This is also un-skippable video ads which length up to 6 second and viewer must watch these ads before going to the main video.

Sponsored Cards – these ads appear content relevant to the video, for instance, items highlight in the main video.

types of ads format of youtube

Youtube Pay Per View Rate:

Do you know, how much does Youtube pay per view? You may have heard the answer to this question and the answer is you can make one dollar per one thousand views. That means $1000 dollar per 1000000 (million) views. But it is wrong. You can not earn money any single dollar based on how many views you have of your videos. You can make money only when viewers engaged with the ads. That means when a viewer clicks the ad or view 30-second advertisement video before watching the main video. If any visitor clicks on the skip button for the advertisement video, you can not earn any dollar.

As a creator, you can make money on youtube from two types of ads. One of these CPC (cost per click) ad and another one CPV (cost per view) ad.

CPC (Cost Per Click):

CPC means the advertiser will pay when a visitor clicks their ads. For example, suppose an advertiser choose a keyword which CPC $2 and a youtube viewer click their ads then Google will take $2 charge from advertiser accounts. Generally CPC display text and image ads.

youtube cpc ads

CPV ( Cost Per View):

CPV means the advertiser will pay when a visitor watches their non-skippable and 30 seconds ads. For Example, suppose someone watches a movie on youtube and in this time a video ad come but the visitor did not watch full ads and click the skip button. In this case, Google will not take a charge from advertiser accounts because the viewer did not watch their 30 seconds ad.

cpv ads

How to Earn $1100 Per Month from Youtube:

If you want to earn $1100 per month from the Youtube channel, here we discover to know how to make money on Youtube.

Average Per Video View: 1,00,000/Video

Average CTR: 1{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} ( Average CTR 1{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} means 1 click on the ads every 100 views)

Total Clicks : 1{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} of 1,00,000 = 1000 clicks/video

Average CPC: $0.2

Total Earning: 0.2*1000 = $200/videos

Earning Revenue: 55{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} of $200 = $110 ( Previous we said you will get 55{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} and Google will take 45{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} advertisement fee)

That means you can earn $110 only for one video if your video goes popular and viral.

If you make 10 videos per month and also goes viral, that means you can earn an average 10*$110 = $1100 per month.

Also, you can increase your revenue, if you create videos with high paying CPC keywords. The above example we have shown $0.2 CPC keyword if you choose $10 CPC then your revenue increase 10 times. Also, you can calculate your channel estimate earning by this tool.

  • Social Blade (Estimate Earning Calculation)
  • vidIQ (Keyword Research, Tag Generate, Keyword Rank Tracking, Channel Optimize)
  • TubeBuddy (Keyword Research, Tag Generate, Keyword Rank Tracking, Channel Optimize)
  • keyword.io (Long Tail Keyword Research)

Maximizing Your Profits With A YouTube Site:

Getting the most exposure for your business is essential to capturing sales and maximizing profits. While most business owners understand the importance of optimizing their sites for the Web, few realize the impact that a YouTube channel can have on site traffic. Developing a dynamic YouTube channel is essential to your company’s marketing plan. YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, with billions of page views every day. This means a goldmine of potential customers for your business. You can use a YouTube account to showcase new products and services, deliver information and news or get the word out about events. YouTube has become more popular than some cable television networks, attracting viewers in all age ranges.

Create Informative and Quality Video:

Use YouTube to generate leads and attract new ones. There are several ways to get started in your YouTube video creation project. Many people create a simple video that includes dialogue and product information. You can also use your video to conduct a workshop or how-to on your product. If you sell birdhouse kits, for example, create a video that will show customers how to decorate and hang their finished birdhouses. You can also create a video that gives information on different species of bird that these houses attract.

The key is to give customers what they are looking for. This will give them a reason to visit your YouTube page again and again. They will also share your content with friends on the Web, bringing in even more customers for your business.

Creating Your YouTube Video with a Niche:

The first step in creating your video is to decide on a niche. Perhaps your channel will be a how-to series that gives step-by-step instructions on how to use your products. Your channel can be a series of commercials on your company. Whatever you choose, be sure to stick with the niche for best results. Record your video in a well-lit room with a plain background. Create a test video that will give you an idea of your audio and visual quality. Maximize your video for the Web. When you are finished uploading it to YouTube, create a title and description that will attract the attention of the search engines.

Create a closed caption to accompany your script. Not only will it make it easier for your viewers to follow along, but it will also make it simpler for searchers to find your video. Create relevant headlines with keywords, include a keyword-optimized description and record your video in high definition. You will start to see the results of your YouTube video creation in no time. Creating a video for the Web is an excellent way to showcase your business and attract more customers. Whether you are creating your own video or hiring an outside firm, there is no question that these videos get results. Create your company’s YouTube video today.

How to Earn Money from Youtube with Quick:

Many people do not know that they can make money on YouTube. The site shares the profit from advertisements on the video. This means if you can get a decent audience, there is potential for you to make more money. There are a few things you will want to keep in mind with this though to know how to earn money from youtube with quick.

Setting Up the Account

This is easily done if you have a Gmail account, though many find it easier to use a different account that is specifically for their YouTube channel. With this, you also need to think about the name you will use for your channel.

Making the Video

Coming up with the videos may seem like the easiest part of the job. The truth of the matter is that there are many aspects that go into this that you will want to consider. This will help you to have the best results.


You want to be original in what you do to make money on YouTube. If you have the same video as a number of people out there, then your video is less likely to be seen. For instance, there are a ton of tutorials on how to French braid hair. If you want to get the views that will make you money with YouTube, you want to come up with an interesting twist on the French braid.


You also want to think about the quality of the video, because this can be a big hindrance to you. Poor quality videos are often not watched. You want to use a camera that has decent quality. If you use a webcam, you should be aware of your surroundings as well as the angle. It is also helpful to invest in video editing software. This can help you add fun effects and really make your video stand out.


One thing people hate in a video is background noise. If you have small children, do your videos when your children are asleep. Even if someone does watch your full video with noise, chances are they will not tell others about the channel or watch other videos you have.


Even if you want your videos to feel organic, scripting is still essential. This can help avoid awkward poses. You should practice the video beforehand as well as edit out any stutters or other missteps in the video. Remember that you want the videos to be as professional as possible.


Another aspect to keep in mind when you want to make money on YouTube is to be reliable with your content as this can build your channel. Viewers are always waiting for new content and those who release videos consistently have better numbers. For instance, BoredShortsTV releases one of their cute series videos every Monday.

Advertise Your Channel:

Never forget about advertising your videos and channel. While the video may come up in the search results on YouTube, this is not enough if you want to make money with YouTube. Rather you want to post it in relevant pages on social media sites, Pinterest and more. Find the ways that will work to bring your numbers up. There are many unique ways to do this.

3 Kinds Of Video Content That You Can Upload To YouTube as a Beginner:

When it comes to creating and uploading videos to YouTube, it’s important to decide the kind of video you want to create. There are a few kinds of videos that you can create for YouTube, but in today’s lesson, I’m going to go over 3 of the kind of videos that you can make. They’re simple and easy to create, and once I reveal them to you, you will see what I’m talking about.

Understand that once you create these videos, you will still have to do the marketing for them if you want to get some publicity for your site. So these 3 kinds of videos are only a starting point… but the main thing that you will want to market these videos to the best of your ability. Nothing is worse than a great video that gets no views. So keep this in mind. Here’s the first type of video that you can create:

1)    Yourself in Front of The Camera:

Behind music videos, this is probably the most common form of YouTube videos that get made. And there’s nothing wrong with this. This is definitely better than a video that is basically an article, that an Autobot is speaking. Have you seen one of these robots speaking software before? They’re atrocious! But I will admit… I’ve tried a few of this software before (but not for YouTube marketing purposes), and the best one by far is something called “Natural Reader”. This is a great software to use if you want some instructions to be read by your customer if you sell something technical. But being in front of the camera is a common form of video marketing, and you can’t go wrong with it. Here’s another kind of video that you can make for YouTube:

2)    A Screencast:

A screencast is a demonstration that is created on a computer. Typically a software tool is used. Two good ones are CamStudio and Camtasia. Camstudio is free, but Camtasia is paid version, but both are really good. If you want to visually show and teach your leads or customers how to do something… such as how to navigate on their membership site, then this would be a good option for you. Here’s the last kind of video that you can create:

3)    Interviews:

Interviewing an expert in something that easy to do. It’s a great way to get content done, and it can serve as a marketing device that goes viral. Now obviously you will want to give a copy of the interview to the interviewee also – so that they can use it as leverage also – and give free gifts/content to their followers. Ask basic questions about issues in your niche, and don’t make it difficult. Touch on topics in your niche that people are having problems with, or goals that people want to achieve, and show them how to succeed. This is very easy and will help you to be perceived as a credible figure also.

Take these 3 YouTube content ideas and put them to use in your business today. Good luck with your YouTube marketing efforts today.

2 Ways To Drive Traffic Back To Your Site Using YouTube:

Do you want more visitors to your website from YouTube? If so, then you should know that this is very simple and easy to do. If you’re willing to put in the work and effort needed to make your YouTube videos a good lead generation magnet, then you will definitely have and maintain the mindset of having a successful business. Therefore in this lesson, I’m going to talk about how you can use YouTube to drive traffic back to your website. You may have heard about some of these concepts before, but I’m sure you could use a good refresher – especially if your YouTube efforts aren’t making you the money in your business that you are looking for. Here’s the first way to drive traffic back to your website using YouTube:

1)    Promote your link at the bottom of your video:

In all of the videos that I create for YouTube, I make sure to watermark my website address at the bottom of my video. This is a great way to get people to come back to your site – and you will see a lot of people using this strategy to get visitors back to their site. It’s not hard to do – especially if you have the right software tools. I personally use a program called “ArcSoft Video Impression” to edit, modify, and modify my videos. It’s not free, but it did come from with an HP printer that I bought at the Walmart.

But you can purchase it online, and it has a lot of great features. I don’t think it’s pricey. With this tool, you can add music to your videos, put a watermark on your videos along with other special effects, you can extract the audio from the video and have an instant podcast, and you can even specify the kind of file that you want to render the video to (ex: WMV, AVI, MP4, etc). Here’s another great way to get traffic back to your website using YouTube:

how to drive traffic to your website from youtube

2)    Promote your link in the description of the video:

This may sound obvious, but a lot of people don’t do it. When you put your URL in the description section of your videos, it turns into a clickable link. This means that people can bypass typing your address into their web browser, and just click on the link to bring them straight to your site. And the more videos you create with these 2 tips implemented, the more you will see an increase in traffic coming straight to your website. Some people actually don’t read the description – especially when it’s long. So when you do put your URL inside of the description area, mention it at the very beginning of the description. You want as many visits back to your website as possible – and this is a great way to do so.

promote your link on description box

Take these 2 tips for YouTube marketing and be sure to put them to use in your business today. Get started on them today so that you can see nice results smoothly and quickly. Good luck with your YouTube marketing.

Great Ways To Get Traffic To Your YouTube Channel:

Promoting your business on YouTube is a good course of action for you. It’s something that you can take and use, and drive tons of targeted traffic to your website and youtube channel. If you’re not using YouTube right now, then you are definitely missing out on something that can make you a lot of money simply and easily. But now I want to talk about traffic, and some easy ways that you can use YouTube to send traffic back to your site. Believe it or not, it actually takes more than just uploading videos up to YouTube to get a lot of traffic.

There’s quite a bit of marketing that you have to do to get views, and then, of course, actual traffic back to your site and your tube channel. But nevertheless, it’s something that worthwhile doing – especially if you want to be in business for the long haul. Here’s the first way that you can use YouTube to drive traffic back to your site:

1)    Upload Lots of Videos:

The more subscribers you get on YouTube, the more people will want to hear from you and see more videos from you. Because of this, you will want to create lots of videos so that your subscribers can become huge fans of yours. This is a great way to get views and traffic back to your site without doing any real promoting. The more video you upload the more subscribers you get. You should make it a personal goal to put up 1 new video per day to YouTube. But you will find it interesting that YouTube actually encourages you to put up a lot of videos on their site.

They have a “bulk uploader” for people who have lots of videos to upload, and their standard uploading tool only allows for 10 videos to be uploaded at a time. So this is something that you will definitely want to do. YouTube is a great site for promoting your website and getting lots of traffic, and it’s something that you will want to use in your online business. Even if you have never uploaded a video in your life, you will want to get started with it – no matter your experience level. Be sure to use it today. Good luck with your YouTube marketing today.

2) Share on Social Media:

Share them on Facebook, Twitter and any other social media sites that you use. The more views you get, the greater the chances of clicks. You also need to keep an eye on your AdSense reports and see which videos are doing the best. Copy the formula and keep pumping them out. The reports will tell you everything you need to know about what’s working and what’s not. The great thing is that it takes just one viral video and you’ll see a huge spike in your AdSense earnings. This is a video marketer’s dream come true! So do get started and don’t put it off!!

5 Ways to Track Your YouTube Video Performance:

When you start using YouTube as a part of your marketing strategy, then you need to be able to measure how effective your videos are for business. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your videos will help you figure out what is working, what isn’t, and what you can do to improve the others. You can use the YouTube Analytics tool to track the performance of your videos. This makes it easy for you to look at key metrics that are important for learning how effective each video is that you post on your channel. Here are the five things that you can track with your YouTube videos in order to monitor their performance:

1) Track Number of Views:

The number of views your video gets is the most basic metric that all marketers look at first. This shows you how many people view your video in a certain time period. You will also be able to break that number down into demographics, such as age, gender, and location. Your own goals will help determine the magic number of how many views equal success. Not every business needs thousands of views. You might be able to see 100 views from your targeted audience and that would be impressive. Set realistic expectations for your goals and judge video performance accordingly.

track your youtube video performance

2) Track the Sources of Your Traffic:

If you know where most of your viewers are finding your videos, that makes it a lot easier for you to promote them. Maybe they clicked on your video from a link on a blog or your website or even from another YouTube video. If any of your viewers found your video through a search, you can research to see which keywords are the most likely to help people find your videos and include them in your video descriptions. This also helps you figure out what might be keeping people from watching your videos. When you don’t see a lot of people finding your videos from a search, then maybe it’s time to revisit the keywords you are using and try to research new ones to try and reach more people.

track traffic source

3) Track Viewer Engagement:

You don’t want people to just watch your videos. You want them to take some kind of action, too. Also, you want to see that they are liking it, sharing it, and talking about it. Track how many people are subscribing to your YouTube channel, how many likes or dislikes each video gets, see if any videos have been added to viewers’ favorites lists. Did people leave any comments? Was it shared to Facebook or Twitter? If you see higher levels of engagement with your videos, it means that you are really connecting with your audience.

track viewer engagement

4) Track Your Audience Retention:

Very often, viewers will stop watching a video within a few seconds of hitting Play. You want to create videos that hold their attention through to the end. People want to be convinced to watch within the first few seconds. Otherwise, they tune out and switch to the next one on the list. You can check how long a viewer watches second-by-second, letting you pinpoint where people might be losing interest. This helps you know what areas need improvement and what is keeping them tuned in.

5) Track Your Conversion Numbers:

This is where you won’t get help from YouTube analytics. You need to track the number of conversions from your own website. Figure out how many people click through to your website from your YouTube video. How many people signed up for your newsletter or email list? Who bought your product or downloaded your free eBook? You can decide which videos are bringing in the most sales/followers/subscribers and focus more attention on creating videos that follow the same formula that has been bringing you results.

What Happens If You Violate Youtube Policy:

You should follow all of the youtube community guideline and copyright policy, otherwise, your youtube channel will be permanently deleted.

Warning: For the first mistake, the youtube team will inform you as a warning purpose.

First Strike: If you do the same mistake, they will give you first strike. After getting a strike you cannot upload videos, live streaming, create custom thumbnails or community post for a week. After one-week, full privileges will be restored automatically but your strick will remain for 90 days.

what happens if you violate youtube policy

Second Strike: If you get another strike within the same 90 days period of the first strike, you can not post, live streaming, create custom thumbnails or community post for the two weeks. After two weeks, full privileges will be restored automatically but your both strike remain for 90 days time period from the time you get the strike.

Third Strike: If you get three strikes in the same 90 days time periods, your youtube channel will be deleted permanently without any notice.

If you think your strikes are given mistakenly, then you can appeal against them through this form



YouTube is still a powerful marketing tool. Knowing how to track your results is the key to making sure you are being successful. Are you using YouTube to market your business? Do you want to know how to make money on youtube? Then you should follow all of the tips on this article. Also, you should follow all youtube copyright policy and community policy to save your channel.

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