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Don’t Avoid 29 Essential eCommerce SEO Tips for Top Ranking

E-commerce SEO Tips:

SEO is what every internet business need and without it, he can not do. So, all truth about getting e-commerce works in the next 29 eCommerce SEO tips. Follow these simple rules and you will see how to improve your progress. This 29 eCommerce SEO tips not only helps to rank on search engines but also help you to get more targeted traffic, leads, and sales.

eCommerce is a reality of modern day shopping experience. In today’s world, eCommerce is no longer a luxury for retailers but a necessity. It is not a “nice to have” but a “must have”. Well, for most, this is obvious, and for the rest, they’re still in the 21st century. Customer expectations while shopping online are higher than ever.

ecommerce seo tips for google top ranking

This is both a challenge and an opportunity for savvy retailers to drive competitive advantage. To be a market leader, companies need to adopt emerging trends in eCommerce to ensure a superior online customer experience.

So what are the important steps for retailers to provide an excellent shopping experience to today’s consumers who use multiple devices and visit numerous online sites when shopping?

29 Essential eCommerce SEO Tips:

Before going to details, you should read 7 essential steps to SEO for e-commerce websites In 2019. It will help you to improve your eCommerce SEO skill. After that, if you can not optimize your e-commerce website, hire Rank Trends SEO service company who provide the cheapest SEO packages for search engines first-page rank.  


Here are 29 essential eCommerce SEO tips:

1. Browsing is Fun:

Browsing should be compelling and functional on all browsers and devices. Your consumers are no longer using one device or browser for shopping. Potential growth of mobile/iPad in retail eCommerce is enormous. With the current projections, mobile/iPad will exceed desktop numbers in the next couple of years. Consumers expect the site to work seamlessly whether they are browsing through a desktop or an iPad or a mobile.

Things to look out for – are there features that will not work on an old browser or the latest iPad? Does the shopping interface work on smartphone screens? Responsive websites are the key. Test the online customer experience using internal staff and mystery shoppers. These test shoppers should be able to intuitively browse products through your website, transact, checkout and process payments without any help.

For some latest platforms, like iOS 12.1.4 and Android 9.0 Pie, advanced features can be enabled like using the camera for barcode scanning to doing a virtual makeover for customers in a store.

2. Streamlined Omnichannel Shopping Experience:

Online shoppers have very little patience for inconsistencies between multiple channels. Not only browsers but also multiple channels of shopping need to be integrated. A product added in a basket at home is expected to be found in the basket when you go to the store or if you call up the call center. Similarly, buyers should be able to return goods purchased online to a physical store. It is vital that businesses understand the importance of providing a superior omnichannel experience.

3. Go Social:

Your customers are all over on social websites – Facebook has a user base of 2.32 billion monthly and amazing 1.52 billion daily active users. This is a huge opportunity for retailers to take advantage of. Using Facebook Connect, various sets of data can be collected about users’ daily activity and that can be utilized to approach targeted customers, e.g. by offering a promotion on most liked or most commented products, or recommending the same products when these consumers your store. Other social networks like Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Groupon etc are fast catching up and offer great insights to savvy retailers.

4. Compelling Marketing Campaign:

To effectively reach consumers, retailers need to develop compelling marketing messages that resonate in physical and digital forms. “Pull browsing” where customers ask for the information is rapidly changing to “push browsing”, where customers are shown information relevant to them based on their browsing or purchase history.

For example, a consumer interested in toys is shown ads from various toy retailers whenever he is browsing on the Internet. Marketing emails, an effective tool will soon turn into relevant SMS notifications when a customer is standing outside the physical store.

5. Content is the King:

Keep your website relevant and fresh. Frequent users represent a major share of your sales, and customers will return if they know they are not looking into outdated information. Including blogs and social media and keeping all communication channels active is the key.

This will enhance customer engagement and people will be able to identify with you and your products. Building your brand this way will eventually have a positive impact on conversion of shopping customers (who are just surfing/comparing) to buying customers (who actually buy from your store).

6. Personalization:

Combining online and offline data from various channels whether structured or unstructured provides those hidden consumer patterns which were never thought of. These patterns can be used to present personalized recommendations and content to online customers.

Most online shoppers warmly welcome product suggestions based on their personal preferences, purchases or browsing history. However, a few prefer to remain anonymous and do not want their information to be stored. In either case, consumer information needs to be handled with discretion and be sufficiently secured.

7. Bundle Promotion:

You might have heard about “Bundle Promotion” out there at convenient or department stores, but it can be brought to use as one of the most prominent features for your eCommerce store. The feature allows you to bundle your products together and sell them to your customers at an attractive price.

For example, product A is $2, product B is $2, the total cost will be $4. However, if your customers buy product A and B, plus product C ($2 also), they can take all at only $4. This can help drawing attention from your customers and to stop them from walking into your competitor stores.

8. eBay Publishing:

If you think your store didn’t get noticed by visitors as much as expected, it’d rather be better to get some help from eBay. eBay is known as one of the most popular marketplaces for selling a wide range of products with people around the world. It’s another helpful choice for you to have more than one way of promoting your store.

If your e-commerce software supports eBay listing, you can start publishing your store on eBay and selling products as much as you want to get your store’s conversion rate increased. Please take time to explore your store and if it lacks these features, feel free to pick them up to enhance your e-commerce store. Let all perform their duty to entice your customers as well as your prospects to always keep coming back to you.

9. Avoid Complacency:

Do not underestimate how much time and money gets absorbed by an e-commerce platform. If you want to do a great job – content, links, blogs, social media, design, audits, development etc. all take time and time is money… (you can build in great strategies to help this grow with the number of sales you have to make it manageable, the key is to build a strategy.

10. NOINDEX Low-Value Pages:

Use meta information to NOINDEX navigation pages with no value. If you just have pages with links to products allow the search engines to follow them but not index them otherwise these will reduce the quality of your website.

11. Avoid Keyword Stuffing:

Don’t try to stuff every possible search phrase for each product into your product page titles – it will have a negative effect. Use natural titles that include the main words/phrase for that page.

12. PPC Campaign:

Use PPC campaign alongside organic SEO – you can’t rank number one for everything. By having a strategy that utilizes both PPC and SEO you will gain maximum results.

13. Increase Stickability:

Use as many different technologies as possible at your disposal and optimize for each one. Using video, content, and images can increase your online visibility, site stackability.

14. Consolidate URLs:

Ensure pages are not duplicating by having multiple URL access points (for example mywebsite.com/ mypage and mywebsite.com/mypage.html)

15. Attractive Design:

Ensure your design is attractive – this helps build visitor trust, inbound links to stick and helps to convert more users into sales.

Another 14 eCommerce SEO Tips:

16. Avoid duplicate content -Create original content for your product pages – DO NOT use supplier content.

17. Remove thin content – A low-quality page is one that offers little value to the end user. For example, it has just a few lines of text.

18. Social buttons – Have interactive social buttons on every product page.

19. Logical navigation – Make sure your navigation allows the search engines to find all your pages, don’t just leave it up to your site map.

20. Consultation – Get the SEO consultant involved before the website build starts as it could save you a lot of work and money.

21. Clean your code – Ensure your code is squeaky clean. No crawl errors, broken links, links to images that have been removed, validation errors etc.

22. Regular website audits – Perform regular website audits to check for any potential onsite and offsite issues.

23. Quality links – Create content that attracts relevant, high-quality links.

24. Moderate user-generated content – Make sure people can review products and the content goes on your product pages – great free content (but make sure you moderate it!)

25. Competitor research – At the very least track your main competitors to ensure you are closing the gap, not losing ground.

26. Add fresh content – Adding new content at least twice a week can vastly improve your ranking.

27. Long tail keyword – Ensure any long tail keywords are adapted into your product pages.

28. Variety – Make your H1 tags and titles different.

29. Quality control – Last but not least always think about maintaining and improving quality at every step of the way.


There is a definite shift in consumer attitude and satisfaction when it comes to the Internet – online buying has become part of mainstream shopping and is here to stay. The challenge for companies now centers on providing the best customer experience and ensuring that user experience is seamlessly integrated across all channels consumer is exposed to.

Consumers want to easily research and compare products, engage in a discussion where required, and have complete clarity when it comes to the total purchase cost as well as flexible delivery and returns policies. The challenge is not only to ensure that shopping applications work on each device, but also that they make the best use of the features of each platform. In the end, you win if the consumer wins. Is your company ready for these trends in eCommerce that define the present and future of eCommerce?

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