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7 Secret to Improve Google Ranking

How to improve google ranking? Before going to discuss it deeply, we have to know what is SEO? And why do we need google search ranking? After explaining what is SEO, we will discover how to increase google ranking for free. As well as we cover some important google ranking tools such that you can increase Google ranking. If you clearly understand how to improve google ranking, then you can easily rank your business or blog website within a short time.

What is SEO?

When you use Google (or any other search engine) to search for a term, have you noticed how the websites in the first search engine results page got there when there are probably thousands of other competing websites which match your keyphrase? Well, the answer to that question is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Those first few websites had better search engine optimization than their competitors.

So, what is SEO? Simply, it is a marketing strategy used to increase the ranking of a website in search engines. Some of those websites (such as Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, and Microsoft) got to the first search engine results page without much help from SEO because their brand names are sufficiently famous to get them listed in the first page. The other websites depend on search engine optimization to get them to the first or second search engine results page. You may wonder why SEO is so important. Well, users rarely go beyond the first few search result pages when searching for a phrase. When was the last time you clicked on the third search results page? However, now we will discover how to increase Google ranking for free.

How to Improve Google Ranking?

It used to be so easy: find an exact match domain for your keyword send thousands of crappy backlinks back to your site relax and watch your website dominate Google and search engines. Google is on a mission to stop that and it appears genuine sites are the future. What do I mean? Google wants a website to be reputable for the user goodbye spam websites.

So, how to improve Google’s ranking? And is the future of Google good or bad for you? You can decide for yourself, but I think the changes are great for the small bloggers (like you!). Genuine bloggers are now given a chance to succeed online. Wouldn’t you be upset if your specific niche market was dominated by spam websites? How would that make you feel? All of these black hats methods are used to leave you with few options. Not anymore.

Now doesn’t everybody want to rank on the 1st page of Google? The top listing on the organic side gets 42{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} of the traffic. The 2nd gets about 12{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64}, and the 3rd gets about 6{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64}! The other 7 listings divide up the rest. Depending on the keyword phrase that could be tons of traffic. If you get stuck on the 2nd page or further back, GOOD LUCK! You’re just getting the scraps like a junkyard dog. So here are the 7 strategies I use to get ranked on the 1st page of Google to get my share of the pies. Let’s go learn how to improve Google ranking?

Ranking Position Tracking for Google Search Ranking Free

  1. Make sure the website is mobile-friendly
  2. Use light website structure
  3. Optimize on-page SEO properly
  4. Optimize website speed and page speed
  5. Link building  for high authority backlinks
  6. Increase social signal
  7. Fix SEO issue

Step-1: Make Sure Your Website is Mobile-Friendly:

About 60{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} of people searching online through their mobile devices, and day by day increase this number. According to Google staff On 10 January 2017

“Page, where content is not easily accessible to a user on the transition from the mobile search result, may not rank as high”

How to improve google ranking or how to increase search engines ranking for Free

Now question is, how to know your site is mobile-friendly or not? You can check your website through Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool which is free. Just put your URL and push the “Run Test” button. Then you will get the result along with page loading issue as like the below image:

how to improve google ranking - google mobile friendly test free

If your site is mobile friendly and shows any loading issue, fix that issue and ensure your website smoothly running with mobile-friendly. If your site is not mobile-friendly, you can fix it through Duda Mobile, bMobilized

Are you use the CMS platform? then you can use mobile-friendly plugins like WPtouch for WordPress, Themekey for Drupal, and Responsivizer for Joomla. If you want to know more about how to improve website ranking on mobile go to Google and read their articles.

Step -2: Use Light Website Structure for Google Search Ranking:

If you want to increase google search ranking, you should design a light and informative website structure. A poor or light web structure can boost your website’s google search ranking. If your web design is complicated and difficult to crawl for Google, you may face suffering to rank. You have to focus on “Usability First” for all kinds of users. How do usability, user experience, and content affect search engine ranking? Usability, user experience, and high-quality content can take a vital part to boost your ranking. As well as it is the first step to rank your website.  You should have to concentrate on the following step for better user experience:

  • Easy to navigate, easy to understand, and easy to utilize
  • Keep significant information and education relevant to the inquiry
  • Keep professionally layout and easy to utilize for modern browsers
  • Provide legitimate and high-quality content
  • High page speed
  • Keep a site map system

If you did not know how to how to design and develop a website, hire Rank Trends for designing your website. Our web design packages are suitable for every industry. We also offer Google-friendly and eye-catching web design and development service, so you can hire us to succeed in your business.

3. Optimize On-page SEO Properly:

Up next we have to do on-page optimization. On-page optimization is the big factor for search engines ranking. So, you have to properly optimize one-page

How to Improve Google Ranking for Free Through On-page SEO:

In this section, we will explain how to improve Google’s ranking for free through on-page SEO. Before explaining, we have to know what is on-page SEO? On-page optimization refers to every particular page and content optimization inside your website. I always call it, the heart of a website. On-page SEO is the most important to improve Google search ranking or any other search engines as well as to get targeted organic traffic. So, if you want to know how to  improve google ranking for free through on-page SEO, then you have to focus on the following step to optimize your on-page:

a) Writhe High Authoritative Unique Content:

Your content must be unique and high authoritative!. If your website has over 30{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} duplicate content (that is exact posts found over the Internet) you will be hurt for Google search ranking. Expect to see a considerable stop by the page rankings. Pick a niche you love and be knowledgeable Google is starting to choose how people are writing. Once again, the goal is to weed out the spam sites. Websites are beginning to be ranked for organic keywords outside your target word. For example, a website about tennis instructions. Google is starting to understand what kinds of words you might use along with that site: tennis hand protection, clubs, etc. Basically, your website cannot be a bunch of garbage that isn’t related to tennis instructions or whatever you write about.

b) Don’t Over-Optimize:

You always want to have a keyword to target. It’s crucial, but don’t blast it all over your content past a reasonable amount. What is reasonable? I’d say your keyword should not make up more than 1{22818c00a7b750be185f543993226ee9eb13263a9c1755b8c3f40ee3c0c01c64} of your content. Also, make sure to use your keyword naturally! I can’t stress enough the sophistication of Google these days they are beginning to count grammar as page rank. Not that you have been a professional writer, but crappy spam all over the page is really a red flag. You will likely be penalized. Google is doing amazing things to improve the world of search. There are always going to be people that bitch about the changes. Don’t be one of them, stay positive and have your genuine work shine to the top.

c) Optimize Title Tag and Meta Tag:

Keep unique and descriptive titles with targeted keywords which are looking natural. You should create a unique title for every single page. Nowadays meta descriptions did not take a vital part to rank your website but it can take a vital part in CTR and increase your targeted traffic. So, keep ensuring all descriptions are unique and informative. If you do not optimize your meta description or Google will not like it, they will generate automatically with your relevant page.

Title - How to improve google ranking - how to increase google ranking for free - google search ranking

d) Use Long Tail Keyword:

You really have to use long-tail keywords which are keywords with 2 or more words inside them. If you use a highly competitive keyword like a home business, home-based business, home business enterprise, internet marketing, online marketing, affiliate marketing, or online marketing you will have a hard time getting a 1st page ranking, just way too much competition! So instead try “types of internet marketing” or “how to start affiliate marketing”. These are good examples of long-tail keywords that have a much better chance to get google search ranking on the 1st page of Google. Make sure you use the free Google keyword tool and you will find many more keyword tools to rank high to search engines like Ubersuggest, Answer The Public, and Keywords Everywhere.

Long Tail Keyword Tools- How to improve google ranking

So, it is better, first, you should have to take knowledge about how to do keyword research for SEO, then find your targeted long-tail keywords.

e) Optimize Your Blog Post:

Next, you need to optimize your blog post. In order to rank high in Google for the keywords you choose, you have to use the keyword in the post title, in the URL, and in an H2 tag  (This is called a Header Tag). Also, you have to use that keyword in the alt tag (These are hidden behind your pictures). Use some relevant images in your blog post with an alt tag. Try to use some inbound links and outbound links.

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If you are unable to rank on search engines or Google 1st page, your can choose our professional SEO package which is best for Google ranking and increase targeted traffic, leads and sales.


4. Optimize Site Speed and Page Speed:

Site speed and page speed both are different despite the fact that they get combined together. Both of these issues can affect the site ranking, conversions rate, and website traffic. In this section, I will discover how to start working on both to help enhance site execution, natural rankings, and conversions rate.

What is site speed?

Site speed is the speed that shows how first a visitor can able to see and interact with your content. It is tied in with rendering, pre-rendering, and consistently controlling individuals through the different imperative ways and pipes you characterize inside your site. Site speed takes a vital part to search engine ranking as well as user experience.  In this section, we will uncover how to improve your site speed as well as which tool you should use to optimize your site speed. To improve site speed you should optimize the following:

  • Minifying CSS, js and HTML code
  • Apply CDN ( You can use Cloudflare CDN which is free)
  • Optimize your site Browser caching ( use W3 Total Cache plugin or Autoptimize Plugin for Minifying and cache setup )
  • Avoid excessive scripts
  • Deferring render-blocking scripts
  • Evacuating expire scripts or code and HTTP or HTTPS request
  • Clear unnecessary data like the spam comment, revision data, and draft which is not usable
  • Remove unnecessary theme
  • choose reputable hosting servers like Namecheap, Hostgator, Godaddy
  • Also, whatever else affects the primary casing of the site

What is page speed?

Page speed is a speed that shows how quickly the user is able to see a particular page on your site. It is like site speed. But when talking about page speed, it is a species on-page quality and improves their executions. Page speed is another important ranking factor. For example, if a page load in 6 seconds and another’s one in 3 seconds, the 3 second loading time page is the better user experience and moreover, it is given more priority for ranking. To improve your page speed, you should follow the following work:

  • Optimize image for the lazy load (For WordPress user, use a3 lazyload or bj lazy load plugin)
  • Compress your page images with the Ewww Image optimizer plugin
  • Delete unnecessary pictures
  • Remove unnecessary scripts from the page
  • Remove font families
  • Delete unused plugins and widgets that are not user-friendly
  • Remove or stop scripts from the rendering and loading process that does not take the important part of the page.
  • Whatever else that is one of the kind to the particular page that makes it load slower and that isn’t critical to loading it

Since you are now clear what is the difference between site speed and page speed. So, it is a great opportunity to optimize your loading issue.

The theme for WordPress Website:

Use a lightweight WordPress theme and be mobile-friendly. Try to avoid heavyweight themes like page builders and unoptimized themes. heavyweight theme and most of the page builder theme takes too much time to load and it is a vital issue for ranking.  The powerful site speed and page speed testing tools are given below:

If you want to learn more about SEO and improve your SEO skill, then you can participate in our online training program name “SEO training in Bangladesh

5. Link Building:

Link building is the most important for Google or search engine ranking. The more you create high authority backlinks the more change to the top rank. There has a different ways to create high authority backlinks such as:

  • Forum posting sites –  forum backlinks are the most powerful method to create high authority backlinks.
  • Web 2.0 sites – web 2.0 sites are the best way to get high authority backlinks. As well as this type of link-building method will improve its ability to rank in search engines.
  • Business directory listing is another most important method for a more effective web presence in a local area.
  • Guest posting – which are fantastic ways to generate reliable backlinks to your website.
  • Business directory listing – it is another great way to get high trusty backlinks
  • Social bookmarking – it is also effective for link building method
  • Local citation listing– it is the best method for a local business listing.
  • Edu and Gov Backlinks – Edu and Gov backlinks are the best and effective powerful and more trusted backlinks as well as search engines especially google like this kind of backlinks. So how to find the gov & Edu websites for backlinks? Here are some tricks to find Edu and gov websites. Write the following word into the Google search box.

Edu and Gov website Finding Tricks for Google Search Ranking

Also, if you want to learn more about what is backlinks in SEO, then go to the links and read the article.

11 High DA Websites for High Authority Backlinks:

Create your profiles, and drop your site’s URL without any reciprocal web page link from your site.

1. eHOW.com Write how-to articles or videos. Post your link in your profile. Also, a good source of information if you want to know how to do something.

2. WikiHow.com Same as eHow but you can edit existing wiki pages or create your own. Cleverly put your link in the “Sources and Citations” section

3. Squidoo –  This is one of my favorite. Build your contacts and you can add links to your site, embed your YouTube videos and flickr|reddit|stumbleeupon photos.

4. HubPages.com Another website like Squidoo and associated content. You can put links to your sites in the content you create here.

5. Digg.com The most popular news ranking site. If you have good blog posts you can post them here. If your article goes to the home page, you will attract thousands of high page rank backlinks and tens of thousands of visitors for a short period.

6. Reddit.com Another news popularity site. Same as StumbleUpon. Post your blog articles here but don’t submit your entire site.

7. Answers. googlask.com Ask questions and post answers to other questions. You can post links to your site in your answers.

8. Xanga.com A community blog. Create keyword-rich content and links to your sites in the posts.

9. Kiva.org A microfinance site. You lend to and borrow from individual entrepreneurs. Create a profile page and link to your site from your profile page.

10. Geocities.com One of the oldest sites. Create a few mini websites and links to your websites from the Geocities pages.

11. Twitter|Facebook|Myspace.com Create an account using a keyword and post your link in your profile.

Another 11 high page rank websites:

12. Propeller.com Another news popularity site. Put your site’s link on your profile page.

13. Tradebit.com is A site where you can buy and sell digital content. If your ebooks, your own recorded music, etc, put yours in listing pointing to your site’s URL.

14. Angelfire.com Another old site like Geocities. Create your mini sites and put links to your site on the mini website pages.

15. Weebly.com A web 2.0 site where you can create your own minisites like Geocities. Use the same technique you use for Geocities and Angelfire for backlinks to your sites.

16. Blogowogo.com A blog aggregation site. If you are running a blog, add your RSS feed to their site and any time you post new articles on your website, your page at Blogowogo will be updated.

17. Tumblr.com Post and share your photos, articles, links, music, and videos.

18. EzineArticles|Article dashboard|Amazines|Article city.com The most popular article directory. Submit your articles with the author’s box under each article. You can use up to two links to your site in each article.

19. Flickr|Reddit.com The most popular photo-sharing site. You can drop your site’s link on the profile page.

20. MyBlogLog.com Share your online activity on a single page. Link to your sites from the profile page.

21. FastCompany.com If you are passionate about a business idea, you should sign up with this very respected website. You can use anchor text on your profile page to link to your website.

22. YouTube or Vimeo.com The most popular video sharing site If you don’t have an account with YouTube, you should sign up immediately. Upload interesting and funny videos. Create your profile and link to your site.

Improve The Syndication:

There are lots of other sites you can post your blog to increase syndication. Right here are some of the best ones: Slideshare, Pinterest, LinkedIn, HubPages, EzineArticles, Article dashboard, Amazines, Article city, Squidoo, Docstoc, Boxnet, and other article websites.

6. Increase Social Signal:

You always need to “share” your post in as many forms of Social Media, Social Networking, Web 2.0 as you can. Always on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and you can also make a YouTube video from the content in your blog post. There are many other social media sites you can put them in too. This is called “syndication”. The more sites your blog post backlinks to the more the search engines like Google will see it also it gives it more authority to rank higher.

7. Fix Your Current SEO Issue:

Who is sick and tired of feeling trapped, underappreciated, and victimized by the people in your life? Do you often wonder if you’ve been saddled with some sort of bad SEO that you find impossible to overcome? If that sounds like you… I’m going to give you the simple secret to transforming ANY situation from a karmic perspective, and give you a few very simple empowerment google ranking tools and techniques that WILL work wonderfully properly for your existence.

But fully grasp this before we begin. It’s not magic. However, it does work very well – as well as in just about every area of existence you can imagine. (even the most difficult of living conditions can be converted using this simple technique) Curious? Let’s take a closer look immediately below. Let’s start with a very simple, and common “problem” that many of us face.

Error Prevention:

Some issues on a site can impact not only the user but also search engines ranking. For instance, a 404 page not found an error, links that say a certain something wrong, however, indicate something different, or broken links that are never again legitimate.

Solution: for WordPress users install the “404 to Start” plugin by Jürgen Schulze and setup like the image

404 page redirect to 301 - How to increase google ranking for free

or follow this 404 redirect instruction for using code

Site Audit:

Analyst your website through power suit website auditors tools or SEMrush audit tools. Both of these are powerful tools to discover and fix technical issues like broken links, duplicate content, Crawlability, HTTPS, Internal Linking, load speed, performance, and more.

To solve duplicate content issue install “Yoast” plugin and set up like the following image

fix seo issue

If you want to dominate google you have to deal with a duplicate content issue according to Google algorithms.

Rank Tracking:

It is easy to optimize a website to track search engine positions. Also, you can track your ranking via power suit rank tracker tools or SEMrush rank tracking tools which is free.

Backlink Audit:

To avoid Google penalties you should audit your backlinks and discover toxic backlinks, prepare a list to submit to Google’s Disavow Tool, find and recover broken backlinks. Connect Google Analytics and search console accounts to increase the accuracy of your backlinks audit.

There have some links analysis tools such as:

Organic Traffic Insights:

Connect your Google Analytics and Search Console accounts to analyze ‘not provided’ keywords, and quickly cross-reference data sources to find potential traffic growth opportunities

The Summary of How to Improve Google Ranking:

From the above description, we understand how to improve google ranking. Increasing your search engine rankings is not necessarily complicated nor terribly time-consuming. The above tips will help you gain recognition and increase your following while boosting your search engines rankings. Always include a backlink to your website inside your articles and posts. Use images and link text that carry keywords or phrases so visitors can link to your site easily. Include your site hyperlink in advertisements and email to your marketing list. This is a good way to get your site known and increase visitors, thus increasing your search engine rankings. Avoid using spam tactics when you optimize your website.

How to Improve Google Search Results:

How to improve Google search results? Search engines like google use spam filters complicated decision-making algorithms to analyze content. If Google or other search engines discover your site does not contain high-quality content, they will exclude it from their results pages. You need to avoid this at all costs. Always provide high-quality content and use legitimate optimization strategies. Always provide well-written, informative, and educational content. This is very important to improve Google search results. Other than becoming viewed favorably by search engines, your site will engage your readers, increasing the chances to gain followers and quality backlinks from other sites. Make certain your content is free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Anything less is unprofessional and sloppy, and not taken seriously. Make sure your keywords and phrases are specific to your website. It is important to choose and place your keywords effectively and not overuse them. Limit how many keywords you use on each page.


So, that is all how to improve Google ranking. Moreover, publish your content in one place–your website or blog. This helps to increase your traffic. Use social networking sites to increase visibility and provide inbound links to your content. Facebook, Myspace, and other social networks are effective ways to increase visibility. Create titles that consider the different keywords people might use when searching for your product or business. If you are writing about hiking, don’t just use “Hiking” as your title. Include descriptive keywords such as “Hiking In Nationwide Forests,” “Hiking With Kids And Pets,” etc. Think about all the possibilities people might put into a search.

Best of luck to improve your Google search ranking

Comments (22)

  • Thomas Wilson


    Thanks for great post. I created a blog and I want to do SEO it to the TOP of Google. I think this post is helpful for me.

  • Thomas Wilson


    Thanks for great post. I created a blog and I want to do SEO it to the TOP of Google. I think this post is helpful for me.

  • Võ Minh Khoa


    Thanks for great post. I created a blog and I want to SEO it to the TOP of Google. I think this post is greatful for me.

  • Võ Minh Khoa


    Thanks for great post. I created a blog and I want to SEO it to the TOP of Google. I think this post is greatful for me.

  • agar bedak tahan lama


    This is a great tip particularly to those nnew to the blogosphere.
    Brief but very precise information… Thaznk you for sharing this one.

    A must read article!

  • agar bedak tahan lama


    This is a great tip particularly to those nnew to the blogosphere.
    Brief but very precise information… Thaznk you for sharing this one.

    A must read article!

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    not be a taboo subject but typically people don’t discuss these subjects.
    To the next! Best wishes!!

  • Tsubasa amami;Amateur


    An interesting discussion is definitely worth comment.
    I think that you should publish more about this subject, it may
    not be a taboo subject but typically people don’t discuss these subjects.
    To the next! Best wishes!!

  • Letha


    Hi, yeah this article is truly good and I have learned lot of things
    from it regarding blogging. thanks.

    • Md. Yousuf Ali


      hi Letha
      Thanks for your valuable comment.

  • Letha


    Hi, yeah this article is truly good and I have learned lot of things
    from it regarding blogging. thanks.

    • Md. Yousuf Ali


      hi Letha
      Thanks for your valuable comment.

  • Techies


    This is an extraordinary tip especially to those new to the blogosphere.

  • Techies


    This is an extraordinary tip especially to those new to the blogosphere.

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